بطاريات 21700 مقابل 18650: إيجابيات وسلبيات الدراجات الكهربائية والدراجات البخارية

هل أنت في السوق للحصول على دراجة كهربائية جديدة أو سكوتر؟ إذا كان الأمر كذلك ، فمن المحتمل أنك تدرك أن اختيار البطارية المناسبة أمر بالغ الأهمية. ولكن مع وجود العديد من الأنواع ، قد يكون من الصعب معرفة النوع الأفضل. في منشور المدونة هذا ، سنستكشف إيجابيات وسلبيات خيارين شائعين: بطاريات 21700 و 18650. لذا اربط حزام الأمان واستعد لمعركة البطارية على LEVs!

ما هي بطارية LEV؟

يمكن لشاحن مخصص على متن الطائرة أو شاحن خارج اللوحة شحن بطاريات LEV مباشرة من الشبكة أو من الشبكة باستخدام شاحن مخصص على متن الطائرة. بطارية LEV هي بطارية عالية الأداء مصممة للاستخدام في السيارات الكهربائية. بطاريات LEV مصنوعة من مواد عالية الجودة وطرق بناء تجعلها متينة وقادرة على توفير عمر خدمة طويل.


21700 مقابل 18650 البطارية

هناك العديد من الاختلافات بين بطاريات 21700 و 18650. بعض هذه الاختلافات تشمل:

خرج الطاقة

يجب اختيار بطارية ليثيوم أيون بناء على كمية الطاقة التي ستنتجها. سيكون من الأفضل اختيار 21700 خلية على 18650 خلية إذا كنت تعلم أن التطبيق سيتطلب الكثير من الطاقة ولا تريد شيئا ضخما جدا أو ثقيلا.

وزن خلية البطارية

يمكن أن يتراوح وزن 21700 بطارية من 60 جم إلى 48 جم ، حسب مواصفاتها.


تميل بطاريات 21700 إلى أن تكون أغلى من بطاريات 18650 لأنها أحدث ولديها المزيد من الميزات.

كثافة الطاقة

تتميز بطارية 21700 بكثافة طاقة أعلى من بطارية 18650.


من بين الأنواع الأكثر شيوعا لبطاريات الليثيوم أيون القابلة لإعادة الشحن ، تبلغ سعة 18650 2600-3500 مللي أمبير في الساعة ، بينما يمكن أن تصل 21700 إلى 5000 مللي أمبير في الساعة ، مما يعني أن خلايا الليثيوم أيون الأسطوانية 21700 تتمتع بكثافة طاقة أكبر ، مما يطيل وقت تشغيلها.


علاوة على ذلك ، فإن بطاريات 18650 أكثر عرضة للتلف من العوامل الخارجية مثل الحرارة والضغط.


هناك اختلافات كبيرة في الأبعاد بين 18650 و 21700 بطارية. يبلغ طول بطارية 18650 65 مم وقطرها 18 مم ، بينما يبلغ طول بطارية 21700 70 مم وعرضها 21 مم. ويرجع ذلك إلى قدراتها المختلفة – فالسعة الأكبر لليثيوم أيون 21700 تسمح لها بأن تكون أكبر حجما وذات طاقة عالية.

ما هي فوائد بطارية 21700؟

توفر بطاريات 21700 عددا من المزايا مقارنة بأنواع البطاريات الأخرى ، بما في ذلك:

1. زيادة السعة: تتمتع 21700 بطارية بسعة أعلى من أنواع البطاريات الأخرى ، مما يجعلها مثالية للتطبيقات التي تتطلب الكثير من الطاقة.

2. أداء محسن: توفر 21700 بطارية أداء محسنا بفضل سعتها العالية وتقنية الخلايا المحسنة.

3. Lower cost: 21700 batteries are typically less expensive than other battery types, making them a more affordable option for electric vehicle (EV) applications.
4. Safer: 21700 batteries are considered to be safer than other battery types thanks to their chemistry and design.

Application of 21700 lithium-ion batteries

Due to their high voltage, high discharge rate, and low self-discharge rate, 21700 batteries are commonly used in LEVs.

Solar Energy
The energy generated by solar panels must be stored in batteries that can be charged quickly.

Power Tools
21700 batteries are also used in power tools and other devices that require high levels of power.

Since 21700 has a higher energy density than 18650, its rechargeable lithium-ion cells can store more energy, resulting in a much smaller battery pack.

Electric Vehicles
In electric vehicles, 21700’s high-density li-ion cells make them ideal for high-voltage applications.

Medical Devices
In order to ensure that medical devices are always ready for use, 21700 batteries have a low self-discharge rate.

In order to provide the high levels of power required by vapes, 21700 batteries have a high discharge rate.

What are the benefits of an 18650 battery?

An 18650 battery pack can offer many advantages over other types of battery packs for use in electric bicycles and other light electric vehicles (LEVs). These advantages include:

1. Increased capacity. An 18650 battery pack typically has a capacity of 3,000 to 4,000 mAh, which is about double that of a AA or AAA battery pack. This means that an 18650 battery pack can power an LEV for twice as long as a AA or AAA battery pack.

2. Increased voltage. An 18650 battery pack typically has a voltage of 3.6 to 4.2 volts, which is about double that of a AA or AAA battery pack. This increased voltage can make an LEV more powerful and efficient.

3. More discharge cycles. An 18650 battery pack can be discharged and recharged up to 500 times, while a AA or AAA battery pack can only be discharged and recharged about 200 times before losing its capacity. This means that an 18650 battery pack will last much longer than a AA or AAA battery pack.

4. Lower weight. An 18650 battery pack typically weighs about half as much as a AA or AAA battery pack, making it much easier to transport and install in an LEV.

Application of 18650 lithium-ion batteries

Additionally, they are used in LEVs such as electric bikes, electric motorcycles, electric scooters, etc., where cost, space, and weight are important.

Portable devices
Among the devices that use 18650 are satellite phones, remote-control toys, and controllers.

The 18650 battery is commonly used in flashlights and other low-power electronic devices.

Laptops require batteries that provide a long runtime. 18650 batteries are powerful and have a long lifespan.

Vapes and vaping accessories require high levels of power from 18650 batteries.

Electric Cars
Due to their large capacity, 18650 batteries are ideal for electric cars.

The lightweight Li-ion cells are ideal for drones since they provide a high level of power for a long period of time.

21700 vs 18650 battery, which is better for LEV?

The 18650 cell is one of the most popular types of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, and for good reason. There are many advantages to the 21700 lithium batteries, but they also carry a higher price tag. They are readily available and affordable.

Is it possible to charge 21700 batteries with an 18650 charger?

You can charge 21700 batteries in an 18650 charger, but we recommend using a dedicated 21700 charger whenever possible.

Does 21700 last longer than 18650?

The answer is simple: Yes, the 21700 battery generally outranks its 18650 counterpart in terms of longevity. This can be attributed to its higher capacity and energy densities. As a result, this type of lithium-ion battery can store more energy, leading to longer runtime than a lower capacity 18650 cell. Of course, the durability of a battery depends on many factors – usage frequency, storage conditions, and device specs – so it may not always be the case that 21700 models have more longevity than 18650 batteries.

How to choose the right battery for LEV

When it comes to choosing the right battery for your LEV, there are a few things you need to take into account. A professional lithium-ion battery manufacturer, Redway offers a wide range of battery packs for various drive systems, including electric bikes, electric scooters, electric motorcycles / mopeds, golf carts, wheelchairs, and cargo bikes. Our battery packs are usually sorted by voltage.

The 36V lithium battery packs we offer for electric bikes and electric scooters are shaped into slim frame-mounted electric road bikes and mountain bikes. A battery pack in the tube is an excellent choice if you want a battery hidden within the electric bike, as well as high output, light weight, and a small volume.


Battery technology is constantly evolving, and it can be difficult to keep up with the latest advances. We hope this article has given you a better understanding of two popular battery types–the 21700 and the 18650. While both are great options for electric vehicle applications, each offers its own unique advantages. Ultimately, the choice between these two batteries will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Whatever type of battery you choose, make sure to do your research and understand what features it offers so that you get maximum performance from your LEV system!